Legend Award

2023 Legend 

Les Jack


Les was first introduced to the sport of cutting in the ‘90’s by Johnny
Right from the beginning, Les was determined to learn as much as he
could about the world of Cutting. To this day you can find him watching top
professionals in the practice pen and always willing to learn with an open
He has contributed to the industry as the President of the Sask and the
Canadian Cutting Horse Association; and represents Canada as an NCHA
He further contributes to the industry as a mentor and supporter of High
school Rodeo cutters and even lends out his own cutting horses so others
can experience the thrill of cutting.
Last year, Les was inducted into the NCHA Hall of Fame with over
$500,000 in earnings.
Les’s dedication, professionalism, servitude and passion makes the Black
Elk proud to name him the recipient of the 2023 Legends Award.


Welland Muri - Legend


Welland Muri

Long time contributor to Canadian cutting. How long?

No one can pinpoint the starting date for Welland in the cutting horse community. Some of the more senior members of cutting when asked that question scratch their head, stare off into the horizon and respond: “ Dunno, He was here when I started…..”

With some digging in dusty Canadian cutting archives, some conversations with people that swear they are too old to cut (but still enter) indicate that his involvement is approaching its fourth decade if not in its fifth decade.

Welland is very sly about the age question but when considering the range of a cutting score (60-80) insider calculations put him near a perfect run. Very fitting. For a man who has done so much for our industry.

In reality it doesn’t matter when he started. The fact is he is an iconic fixture. Nobody says: Who’s Welland? Everybody has met him, chatted with him and walked away smiling and knowing they just met a real personality. If they haven’t they darn sure will. If you are new to the sport he will find you and personally welcome you to our world. The positive effect of Welland will produce predictable results. His love of horses and cutting is contagious.

So we should get back to “his involvement”.

For a cutter that has 5 decades in the sport in Canada his involvement would have included contact with the legendary Bill Collins. Welland Muri was more than in contact with Bill. It was Bill Collins that started Welland in equine sport. Initially as the story goes Welland started showing AQHA horses at the Alberta quarter horse shows. At that time the action was all at the quarter horse shows. Under the supervision and coaching of Bill Collins, he rode in classes like Western Pleasure and Trail horse. His equine partner of that era was Poco Chet. A steady and talented gelding acquired from a prominent California reinsmen. Rumour says Bobby Ingersol.

From that start it wasn’t long until Welland was headed to the cutting pen. Bill Collins became both coach, advisor and close friend. Bill had guided many successful non pro careers but I venture to suggest never one so enthralled with cutting.

Welland was an enthusiast. Still is.  After what we estimate might be forty plus years he is still a cutting enthusiast. Just start a conversation with him about cutting then try cutting the conversation short. Cant be done!

Welland has owned and shown a litany of great horses A few of the standouts would be Perry Smoke, Mr Stolen Freckles, Hans CD, Clays Little CD and Super Sarahs Boon. Whether in year end standings or major competitions such as Calgary Stampede and Canadian Super Stakes Welland enjoyed them all. He gathered his share of the winnings too. In researching to bring modest accuracy to this story, I grabbed an old Canadian cutting horse magazine out the storage box.

First copy out. Front page. Full color. Headline. Welland Muri and Perry Smoke win 1998 Canadian Super Stakes Bridleless Cutting with a 151.

Glory days and that was just one example of his cutting prowess.

But Welland was far more than a competitor. He relentlessly promoted cutting through his volunteer efforts on cutting horse committees. Provincially he has served multiple terms on the Alberta board. Likewise on the CCHA board. He is one of the longest standing members of the cutting horse committee on Calgary Stampede Park. Think 35 years or more as a volunteer.

 The push to be involved with organizing and promoting was from a man that as we said became a close friend to Welland.  Bill  Collins recognized what an asset Welland represented to the cutting community. Bill’s wisdom and foresight was not limited to training cutting horses.

Not just a poster boy ambassador but as a sponsor of cutting Welland is a standout citizen. His generosity has persisted almost beyond his personal time commitment. Historically try to recall a cutting of any magnitude big or small that was not supported by Lynwood Drugs or Welland Muri personally.

A professional to the core his practice of pharmacy absorbed a huge share of Wellands energy and talent. The result is a long list of testimonials in that profession. Those testimonials are from his patients or clients or whoever he came in contact with through the drug store. His personality always shines through. His competence is enviable.

But there was always gas in the tank for the cutters.

This man with the long history in our cutting community has contributed unselfishly to better the sport. He still rides. This is only a glimpse into his life. There may be minor inaccuracies so take a moment and have a visit with him.

Its worth the time to find out……..

 He still craves developing young cutting horses. He still loves to tell a story. He still will share a dubious joke. He is still a proud grandpa of one of our youth cutters. Pure and simple. He is still Welland Muri.

 Try to think of someone who has been involved in cutting for his length of time.

 Are they still unequivocally excited about the sport?

 Do they walk up to complete strangers and welcome them to the cutting?

 Do they still walk that newby around the show and introduce him to everyone?

Do they still pull out their cheque book when a new event is proposed?

Tonight is one small opportunity to recognize a huge contribution. One man but so many areas of contribution. So many long term positive effects.

We all owe Welland a huge thank you for his involvement.

He is far more than just our ……..DRUGSTORE COWBOY!


Ron Anderson



Les Timmons – Legend

Ranch raised. A ranch pasture cowboy. A feedlot cowboy. All of these are early Les Timmons. His horse knowledge and livestock skills soon drew him to the competition arena. He was intrigued by the speed and thrill of reined cow horse. Moving from his home province of Saskatchewan to Alberta gave him the opportunity to compete in the cow horse events. It was the early 1970’s and within a very few years he was a noted top shelf competitor in that discipline. During that time few disciplines were “stand alone” but rather a trainer needed to be versatile and involved in the quarter horse show scene. Timmons had no difficulty adapting and excelling in anything involving horses. As a result, his equine endeavors expanded. The late 1970’s saw Timmons show the first of many cutting horses. The mare’s name was Cocoa Pop owned by Glen Farstad. The success of this venture is uncertain but it definitely started a notable show career for Les.


A new opportunity:

Dave Robson had built a facility west of Airdrie and in 1982 Les became the resident trainer. One of the horses he trained there was Robson’s stallion, Jae Bar Freckles. Among their successes was the champion of the Manitoba Stakes and Futurities cutting as a 3y.o. The stallion continued his career to earn even more accolades as he aged.

During this time as well Les trained and showed another stallion. Country Oak Star, owned by Chuck Manness. During the show season they qualified and were invited to compete in 6 events at the AQHA World Show. The stallion and Les made the trip to Oklahoma to compete in heading, heeling, calf roping, western pleasure, western riding and trail. A testament to the horses’ ability and Les’ all around skills as a trainer.

Versatile stallions seemed to litter Timmons’ past. He acquired and eventually owned Skip Hop de Doc. Alberta’s first Superhorse earning that title by competing and placing in 7 events at a major quarter horse competition. Skip Hop de Doc was one of the earliest of Les’ 3 y.o. snaffle bit futurity champions in the cow horse event but to become a Superhorse he earned points in heading, heeling, cutting, reining, western riding and barrel racing.

Another stallion trained by Les was Little Red Tucker Chex. An outstanding snaffle bit cowhorse, he and Les were AQHA World Champions in Junior Working Cow Horse at the 1987 AQHA World show. The following year cutting became the focus. Little Red Tucker Chex was awarded the 1988 CCHA Novice Horse championship.

Right on heels of this success came Genuine Peppy owned by Truman Kennedy. With Les in the saddle the stallion was CCHA Reserve Champion Open horse in 1988/89 season. Next year, 1990 the stallion was CCHA Open Champion.

The industry was changing. The major disciplines now were showcased in far more “stand alone” shows. Timmons backed away from the quarter horse shows to concentrate on cow horse disciplines. Through the 1990’s he became a dominate force in the snaffle bit cow horse futurities. Both nationally and internationally his horses won titles and dollars. For those of us with longer memories names like Majors Doctor Cody, Olds Major Doc and the absolute phenom High Sign Nugget (an Apppaloosa inducted in to the Canadian Supreme Hall of Fame) were standout proof that Alberta had a major league talent in Les Timmons.

That’s a mere snapshot of Les Timmons the trainer. Fact is, Timmons is more than a single dimension.

As a trainer and horseman Timmons is an identifiable talent.

 Beyond that he has shown that he is much more than that. The improvement and future of the industry as a whole are important to Les. He volunteered his efforts and knowledge to the industry. He was an integral part of the success of the Canadian Supreme. He sourced cattle, developed handling strategies, competition arena design and became the consultant for all things associated with the reputation of the Supreme.

Additionally, he became a respected judge in both the NCHA and the NRCHA. He has judged major competitions in both disciplines across North America.

He has served multiple terms as president of the CCHA. A steady hand with superior knowledge of the industry from the ground up. The position was often not one for the fainted hearted but Timmons’ commitment to the betterment and preservation of cutting never faltered.

Along the way his showmanship and promotional instincts garnered him the fitting nickname: Hollywood

Today, he is still the “go to guy” when an association or group need a solid unbiased opinion for direction of their efforts. He is history and vision in one package. That’s uncommon. So is Les Timmons.

Ranch raised. A ranch pasture cowboy. A feedlot cowboy.  Les Timmons is still all those. Additionally: proven trainer. NCHA judge. NRCHA judge. past CCHA president. Show production consultant.  And more. Nice guy and special friend of our entire horse industry.

Whatever award comes his way maybe for Hollywood its not quite enough to recognize his total contribution.





2020- Legend

Bill Speight


2019 - LEGEND

Denton Moffat

Gerry Hansma


2017 - LEGEND

Dave Batty



Legend Award Criteria


  • Must be a current NCHA, ACHA and CCHA Member
  • Must possess an excellent understanding of the sport of Cutting.
  • Demonstrate the spirit of fair play in and out of the cutting pen.
  • Be a good ambassador of the sport and industry
  •  Promote a positive image to fellow cutters, sponsors and show producers
  • Contribute to the industry
  • Demonstrate integrity, good sportsmanship, and respect of their peers.
  • Have the ability to introduce and welcome beginners to the sport and strive to help them succeed.


 Past recipients: Dave Batty, Gerry Hansma and Denton Moffat


To nominate: please complete the form below



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